Cybersecurity and Intelligence

Crimes perpetrated by complex and advanced technological means affect individuals and organizations, having them as eminent targets.
Thus, the reputation or economic impact, cause damage, sometimes irreparable

As cybercrime covers a wide scope of criminal activities, our office can, through its experience in this field, identify and mitigate these threats through risk and compliance analysis, in order to advise and provide preventive actions, with the objective of restoring safety to users, organizations and content creators in technological environments.

Investigation and Mitigation of Fake News and Deep fake

Exposing citizens, organizations and brands to large-scale disinformation, including harmful or false information, and illegal content such as Deep Fake is a major challenge around the world.

Defining countermeasures to investigate and combat its spread and the consequent impact of this type of action is part of the specialties of the A+B Lawtech team within a scope of protection of values .

Reputation Protection

Continuous monitoring on the digital platform ecosystem in a systematic way aims to identify and analyze potential and real threats to personal and brand reputation. The identification of harmful scenarios, with the potential to generate personal or institutional crises, is a comprehensive action, as the most effective means of avoiding losses and our team is ready to take direct action in these cases.

Data Protection and Privacy

Data protection regulation is the process of protecting sensitive information from compromise or loss. The importance of protecting user or collaborator or consumer data, increases as the amount of sensitive information created and stored, and mainly handled are critical assets in our society. In this context, there is also little tolerance for downtime to make access impossible to important information.

Our office staff has the skills to manage data protection compliance strategies in order to ensure integrity, reliability and inviolability to guarantee the privacy of important components to our clients’ businesses.

221 Padre Chico Street – 6th Floor – Room 619
Perdizes | São Paulo | SP
05016-000 | Brazil


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